Model Transformations:
IDCM analyses UML models build up in the TOPCASED UML editor. Read more…
IDCM transforms UML into LTS (Labelled transition Systems) in order to perform liveness analyses. Simple component transformation is performed through a direct mapping between state machine configurations and LTS. Composite components are transformed into EXP.OPEN language. Their LTS are obtained using CADP toolbox.
IDCM transforms UML to BIP (Behavior, Interaction, Priority) language in order to perform safety analyses. Both simple and composite component transformations are performed through a direct mapping between UML concepts and BIP ones. Read more…
Model Analyses:
Liveness analysis consists in comparing from a behaviour point of view a model according to a reference one. The comparison is based on four types of relations :
- conformance,
- extension,
- reduction,
- substitution.
See the following article to get more information about these relations.
Safety analysis consists in analysing a model according to a set of properties. This part is performed using DFinder. For this purpose, IDCM includes a tool for transforming UML models into BIP models.