T. Lambolais, A.-L. Courbis. Development and Verification of UML Architectures by Refinement and Extension Techniques. 9th European Congress on Embedded Real Time Software and Systems (ERTS2), 2018.
A.-L. Courbis, T. Lambolais, T.H. Nguyen. Safe Incremental Development of UML Architectures. 29th international conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE), July 2017. pp. 473-476.
T. Lambolais, A.-L. Courbis, H.-V. Luong, C. Percebois. A framework for the Incremental Development and Conformance Verification of UML Active Primitive Components. Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier, Vol. 113, March 2016. pp. 275-295.
T. Lambolais, A.-L. Courbis, H.-V. Luong, T.-L. Phan. Designing and integrating complex systems: be agile through liveness verification and abstraction. in G. Auvray et al. (Eds.): 6th international conference of complex Systems Design & Management (CSD&M), Springer International Publishing, November 2015, pp. 69-81.
A.-L. Courbis, T. Lambolais,T.-L. Phan. Evaluation de la substituabilité comportementale de composants. Journées nationales GDR-GPL CIEL, 2014.
Thanh-Liem Phan. Construction Incrémentale de Spécifications d’Architectures en UML Intégrant des Procédures de Vérification. Thèse de l’université de Montpellier II, Décembre 2013.
A.-L. Courbis, T. Lambolais, H.-V. Luong, T.-L. Phan, C. Urtado, S. Vauttier. A formal support for incremental behavior specification in agile development. 24th international conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE), 2012.
T. Lambolais, A.-L. Courbis, , H.-V. Luong, T.-L. Phan. Interoperability Analysis of Systems. International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) Word Congress, Milan, September 2011
Hong- Viet Luong . Construction Incrémentale de Spécifications de Systèmes Critiques Intégrant des Procédures de Vérification. Thèse de l’université de Toulouse III, Octobre 2010.
H.-V. Luong, T. Lambolais, A.-L. Courbis. Implementation of the Conformance Relation for Incremental Development of Behavioural Models. in K. Czarnecki et al. (Eds.): MoDELS 2008, LNCS 5301, pp. 356–370, 2008.